Samsung Unleashes 'The Power Of The Curve'

samsungSamsung's curved UHD TV is stunning. And I bet the price tag is stinging. High fashion and sleek, modern architecture collide in "The Power Of The Curve." The 90-second video follows a handful of models as they walk through a house that's full of curved televisions. There's so many curved TVs that the models have difficulty determining what's real and what's a crisp, colorful image. My favorite scene is the model descending a spiral staircase with water flowing on the TV screens nearby. It definitely looks like a toilet flushing. The video ends with a model watching her curved TV from her penthouse apartment. The cityscape outside looks just like the view from her TV. Watch it here, created by Cheil Worldwide and directed by Floria Sigismondi of Believe Media.



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