BIZ DEV: Forge Worldwide Donates Services To Room To Grow

Forge Worldwide donated its services to Boston-based charity, Room to Grow, to help raise awareness and donations. The agency worked with two Boston-based artists, Jannie Ho and Renee Kurilla, who donated time and work to create “storybook” illustrations featuring toys, books and clothing -- the key donation categories sought by the organization. The posters will appear on MBTA subways and buses through early January. The mission of Room to Grow is to enrich the lives of babies born into poverty throughout their first three years of development. At each visit families receive a unique combination of social work support, including individualized parenting guidance and connections to community resources, and all the baby essentials kids needs at that stage. Additional Forge Worldwide clients include Cisco, Rockland Trust, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dragon Speech Recognition Software.



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