360-Degree Video Campaigns Increase In Popularity

Hilton Hotels and Resorts launched a mobile campaign with an interactive 360 degree video in partnership with Opera Mediaworks and OMD. The ads allow customers to take a virtual tour of a resort with the hopes of selling them on a dream vacation.

Many companies are starting to experiment with the format—auto companies are showing the interior of cars and sports brands can show a 360-degree view of a court or field. The technology does seem tailor-made for tourism though.

360-degree videos are an integral part of the virtual reality (VR) experience, but as of now, there isn’t much content out there. That's something Facebook hope to change. T he company announced that it’s going all in on video in a variety of formats.

The social platform recently released the design of a 17-way 360-degree camera on GitHub, and has been encouraging developers and enthusiasts to build their own and use them.

Video hub YouTube announced that they would start live-streaming 360-degree video and has allowed content creators to upload video in 1440p resolution at 60 frames per second.

Mobile video, already a popular format, seems poised to dominate other ad styles.

As mobile VR becomes more popular and more content is created and consumed, the transition to full VR won't seem exceptional.



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