Ontario Ministry Of Environment and Climate Change To Kids: Figure Out Climate Change

The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change launched a TV and social media campaign that asked kids to think of ways to solve climate change. "Let's not leave it for our kids to figure out," sets out to show parents that not working on solving climate change now will result in a big mess for their kids to clean up. In the first ad, environmentalist David Suzuki speaks to an auditorium full of kids, giving them the harsh facts about the Earth's future. When he's done speaking, the camera pans around to capture the stunned, confused looks on the children's faces.

In the next ad, kids with pen and paper outline climate change and the things adults should be doing to help. Canadians are encouraged to get involved with the Ontario Government's 5-Year Climate Change Action Plan.

Grey Canada created the campaign and PhD Canada handled the media buy.



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