
For Every Stupid Ad Cliche In the Super Bowl This Brand Will Donate Thousands to Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern California

Are you ready? Are you ready for the onslaught if silliness and inanities otherwise known as Super Bowl Ads? Because we can all be assured there will be cute animals, a scantily clad woman and guys doing super stupid things. 

Well rather than contribute to this annual rite of stupidity, Secret Weapon Marketing will support its client's efforts to turn Super Bowl Sunday's stupidity into a sort of drinking game that pays. There won't be actually be drinking -- although you sure can -- but Southern California Honda Dealers will make a donation to the Boys and Girls Clubs in Southern California for every ad cliché which makes its way into the big game on Super Bowl Sunday. 

It goes like this. For every celebrity appearance, a $500 donation will be made. For every puppy that shows up, a $20,000 donation will be made. For every portrayal of a "dumb dad" or partying bros, a $10,000 donation will be made. Everything is fair game; aliens, babies, animated characters, cavemen, office idiocy, explosions, everything. 



The whole thing is called the Helpful Bowl and anyone can play along during the game. The agency has set up a Web site on which all the clichés are listed and viewers can use a scorecard to mark all the clichés they see. At the end of the game, you can hit submit and it will all be tallied up for donation. 

No where do we see a disclaimer noting a maximum so we could all have fun making Southern California Honda dealers go broke! But that wouldn't be very nice, now, would it? 

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