Magazine App Texture Takes On Fake News

In a world full of fake news, delivering the truth is a priority.

Texture, a content distribution app that provides access to more than 200 North American magazines, is launching a new campaign showing off its commitment to quality journalism. 

“Magazines have been one of the stewards of journalism,” Jim Bobowski, Texture’s chief marketing officer, tells Publishers Daily. “Given a lot of the current conversation about the importance of media, we thought it was a good time to show off our offerings.”

The new campaign, titled “Wall of Truth,” shows off the breadth of publications available through the app, ranging from National Review to Mother Jones, using the headline, “Build your own wall. And keep fake news out.”

(The company is owned by Conde Nast, Hearts, Meredith, Time Inc. and Rogers Media.)

The ad purposefully stays away from suggesting which publications to reach, instead noting that quality journalism is important, Bobowski says. 

“We’re not trying to take a point of view, but we do want to reflect the conversation,” he says. “We feel like we should be part of the conversation. Our goal is to encourage readers to embrace the consistently high-quality journalism that magazines produce day in and day out.”

The effort -- which will run in national publications such as TheNew York Times and magazines and will be supported by digital, social and event marketing elements -- builds on a campaign Texture launched late last year (with the tagline “Something Amazing”) highlighting the entertainment value of magazines, Bobowski says. 

1 comment about "Magazine App Texture Takes On Fake News".
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  1. Meaghan Cosgrove from ASU, April 11, 2017 at 12:53 a.m.

    I really liked this campaign because I thought it was relevant and it added humor. A lot of people do not like when companies start getting too political but I think in this case it is fine because they aren’t taking a side but they are also relating it themselves. Obviously this is a dig at Trump and the wall but people don’t like fake news and they want their sources to be credible and real. This is bringing two separate topics and bringing them together to create a fun ad. I also enjoyed this ad because they ad because they are not suggesting who should and shouldn’t be publicized but they are looking out for the people’s best interest and they want them to get the best and correct news. I just thought this campaign was very well done and it in no way should offend anyone, they got their message out and they did it in the best way possible. This is the kind of ad that I would remember because it made me laugh, I had to think about what they were trying to do at first but then once you get it, you realize how creative it is and how much it relates. 

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