
The No. 1 Trend For 2018: 'The Female Gaze'

The Innovation Group at JWT Intelligence is out with its new 2018 trend report and the very first trend cited in the study jumps off the page in light of recent reports about men abusing their power to sexually harass women.

The trend is titled “The Female Gaze,” and it refers to a lot more than might first appear. 

“In the current feminist moment, people are paying more attention to women working behind the scenes in film, media and photography—and how women’s influence ultimately affects these industries,” the report states.

It cites the box-office hit “Wonder Woman” which it described as trailblazing “not only for being the first DC/ Marvel superhero film to feature a female protagonist (following 19 male-led films since the movie franchise launched in 2008), but also because its director, Patty Jenkins, is one of only three women to direct a live-action film with a budget of over $100 million.”

The wild success of "Wonder Woman" ($400-plus million at the box office and counting) sparked discussion about the need for more female directors, writers and producers, per the report. “Fans and critics widely recognized how a woman behind the lens affected important choices and nuances in the movie that were central to its triumph.”

Success, of course, breeds power and an indication of that was "Wonder Woman" star Gal Gadot’s ability to bounce alleged sex harasser Brett Ratner off the roster of producers involved with the franchise, per reports. She basically told Warner Bros. that either he had to go or she would, per reports.

The Innovation Group report cites an effort in the UK called “Girlgaze,” a multimedia platform committed to supporting women behind the camera.

When a woman is calling the shots, things get changed up more than a bit, per the report, which doesn’t address better or worse but rather to diversity and new perspectives.

It’s seems the media, marketing and communications industries could all use a lot more of that. So here’s to the “female gaze” trend and hoping it creates a lot more Gal Gadots, who can use their powers to give the Brett Ratners of the world a good thrashing.

There is much more in the report about all sorts of trends for next year. Have a look here

1 comment about "The No. 1 Trend For 2018: 'The Female Gaze'".
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  1. Douglas Ferguson from College of Charleston, December 11, 2017 at 10:51 a.m.

    Laura Mulvey just did an eye-roll somewhere.

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