Video To Make Up 82% Of IP Traffic By 2022

More than 28 billion devices and connections will be online by 2022, and video will make up 82% of all IP traffic, according to data released Tuesday.

This means more opportunities for advertisers and marketers to buy a variety of media that will be delivered on many more devices.

Cisco released its Visual Networking Index (VNI) Tuesday, which estimates that by 2022 more IP traffic will cross global networks than in all prior years that the internet has existed. Stated another way, more traffic will be created in 2022 than in the 32 years since the internet started.

The traffic will come from all types of machines and the 60% of the global population that will use the internet, according to the report. The percentage accounts for about 4.8 billion internet users -- up from 3.4 billion in 2017, or 45% of the world’s population.

The average global mobile connection speeds will more than triple from 8.7 Mbps to 28.5 Mbps, giving marketers the bandwidth to design and create new types of advertisements.

Marketers will begin to see larger amounts of different types of data coming from a growing number of IoT devices, according to Thomas Barnett, director of service provider thought leadership at Cisco Systems. "Data and consumer insights will be particularly valuable 'advertising currency,' and there will be new sources of data to be mined from various applications and their supporting databases," he said.

Since the challenge will become accessing the data, Barnett wonders whether advertisers will create their own apps and systems to capture and track consumers and business users’ preferences, habits, and purchase histories, or whether that will be outsourced to others.

"In the age of digital transformation, it won’t be about buying lists and simple contact info; much more detailed and custom info on profiles, patterns and habits can be gleaned from IoT data," he said.

Barnett believes that the Internet of Things (IoT) is moving from simply connecting low-level sensors and nodes to more diverse and bandwidth-intensive applications.

Virtual and augmented reality traffic will rise as more consumers and businesses use the technologies. By 2022, virtual and augmented reality traffic will reach 4.02 exabytes per month, up from 0.33 exabytes per month in 2017.

Globally, more than half of the gadgets that connect to IP networks will not be personal devices like smartphone, tablets, PCs and TVs, but rather sensors, tracking modules, cameras and other forms of machine-to-machine (M2M) connections that gather and share various types and volumes of information with other machines.

Previous Cisco reports estimated that traffic generated from IoT applications was practically negligible -- less than 5% globally. Now the world deals with applications including autonomous driving smart cars, video surveillance, and connected-health IoT traffic.

The average fixed broadband speeds, globally, will nearly double from 2017 to 2022. Improved network performance is required to support growth in ultra-high definition (UHD/4K) video content and other emerging multimedia applications.

Ultra-high definition, also known as 4K video, continues to grow as a percentage of overall traffic. It requires a higher performance to ensure proper delivery.

The Cisco Complete VNI Forecast includes global, regional, and country-level projections and trends associated with fixed and mobile networks. The full report includes additional information and analysis on IoT by industry vertical, IPv6 adoption, traffic growth by application, traffic patterns, cord cutting implications, Wi-Fi hotspots, broadband network performance and network security issues.


1 comment about "Video To Make Up 82% Of IP Traffic By 2022".
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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, November 28, 2018 at 4:45 p.m.

    Am I safe to assume that 82% estimate/forecast/guess is based on aggregated file sizes (e.g. Petabytes or Exabytes) rather than file counts (i.e. closer to consumer choice/demand).

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