Google selected Similarweb data to power a new service called Export Readiness in its Market Finder tool that helps small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) find ways to grow their business overseas.
Market Finder, a free platform has been developed to help SMBs expand internationally by identifying opportunities to export goods and services. The tool diagnoses a business, evaluates how it is set up for opportunities to expand overseas.
A small business owner can use the tool by inputting data about their business today, and then a score is generated based on an analysis of Similarweb insights, including:
The platform will ask the business to provide a link to its website. Google pulls the category of product it sells or the services offered.
Based on these, Market Finder generates suggested markets.
The platform allows the business to save up to three suggested markets to a shortlist, which is accessible through the businesses’ Market Finder account.
The suggested markets are generated based on several factors including the average number of monthly Google searches per product or service, the cost-per-click that advertisers are paying for keywords, and gross domestic product annual growth in each economy.
Further information is profiled to provide an understanding of the business prospects in each country.
Google also can help companies localize pages on websites for case studies, guides, and articles through tools and resources.
Cross-border sales have begun to increase as companies that design and build the software have become more sophisticated.
Shopify in mid-September announced the launch of a global commerce hub that helps marketers reach into new markets, optimize to specific locations, and speak the language of conversions across borders.
The platform supports insights from nearly 1 billion Shopify orders automatically applied to each company’s global strategy to improve performance.