Salesforce To Launch Generative AI Tools For Marketing And Commerce

Salesforce has unveiled two generative AI product offerings, one of which will help marketers automatically generate personalized emails. 

Announced Wednesday, the new AI tools, Marketing GPT and Commerce GPT, will be rolled out over the coming months, along with a plethora of ancillary solutions.

The goal is to  change “how businesses interact with customers and at the same time dramatically improve employee productivity,” says David Schmaier, president and chief product officer, Salesforce.

Marketing GPT will allow marketers to deliver personalized experiences across every touchpoint with generative AI and first-party data from Salesforce Data Cloud, the company says. 

In addition, Segment Creation will identify audience segments with natural language prompts and AI-driven recommendations, using Data Cloud data. 

Brands can also reduce their writing workload with Email Content Creation, a tool that can auto-generate personalized emails, Salesforce claims.

Segment intelligence for Data Cloud connects first-party data, revenue data and third-party paid media data for a view of audience engagement.  

Rapid Identity Resolution, Segmentation, and Engagement resolves customer identities and refreshed segments in Data Cloud. 

Commerce GPT will help companies deliver customized commerce experiences throughout the buyer’s journey with auto-generated recommendations based on Data Cloud data. 

In addition, Goals-Based Commerce enables users to set targets and goals and receive recommendations for meeting them. This is powered by Data Cloud, Einstein AI and Flow. 

Salesforce client Rossignol hopes to “leverage the latest innovations from Einstein GPT across marketing, commerce, and service to drive greater efficiency, increase productivity, and strengthen customer loyalty,” says Vincent Wauters, CEO, Rossignol.

Data Cloud for Commerce is now available. But the other tools will be rolled out as follows:

  • Email Content Creation will be in pilot in October  and will be generally available in February 2024.
  • Segment Creation will be in pilot later this summer and available generally in October. 
  • Rapid Segmentation will be generally available later this summer and Rapid Identity Resolution in October.
  • Segment Intelligence for Data Cloud will be generally available in October.
  • Dynamic Product Descriptions will be generally available in July 2023.
  • Commerce Concierge will be in pilot in October 2023, and generally available in February 2024.
  • Goals-Based Commerce will be in pilot October and generally available in February 2024. 
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