Out-of-home advertising is a key way to gain attract public attention. And it’s the goal of F.Y. Eye’s PSA Network, which helps nonprofits disseminate community-driven public-interest messages to millions of New Yorkers.
The ads promote critical services that help improve lives, Christina Daigneault, executive director of F.Y. Eye, told Agency Daily.
F.Y. Eye is the nation’s only nonprofit social-impact media organization amplifying nonprofit messages via digital screens in community spaces across New York City, such as health clinics, supportive housing facilities and community centers.
The public service announcements (PSAs) are shared at no cost, a huge plus, given the cost of urban advertising.
Now, F.Y. Eye, founded in 2005, which secures funding via individual donors, foundations and fee-for-service work, has formed a strategic partnership with LinkNYC, a city communications network, to increase distribution.
“One example is Justicia Lab’s CitizenshipWorks campaign running across the PSA Network this summer, highlighting free tools to apply for citizenship. With visibility in every borough of NYC, we are confident the PSA’s information will reach people who could benefit,” said Daigneault.
Current campaigns include La Colmena’s Partners Against the Hate campaign, explains how to report a hate crime to law enforcement. LiveOn NY-Say Your Age and Urban Health Plan-Vaccine Confidence are others.
“LinkNYC supercharges our mission to democratize advertising and helps nonprofits bring critical information directly to the people.” Daigneault added.
The numbers tell the story: PSAs had a previous reach of 2 million impressions before the partnership. Now, it registers
more than 47 million impressions.
LinkNYC’s kiosks are part of the city’s landscape, offering free Wi-Fi and more than 1,800 digital billboards across the
five boroughs to F.Y. Eye’s PSA Network.
Nicole Robinson-Etienne, LinkNYC’s director of external affairs, said: “A major objective of our mission is to empower and advance community voices through our state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure.”