TV News Networks' 2024 Ad Spend Flat At $2.53B

National TV advertising spending in 2024 for four major 24-hour TV news networks was nearly the same as the total in 2023 -- $2.53 billion versus $2.54 billion the year before, according to estimates from EDO Ad EnGage.

Fox News Channel led the way at $1.2 billion, down 6% from a year ago.

CNN was next at $782 million, down 1.3%, while MSNBC was up 6% to $379 million, and NewsNation was 40% higher at $151 million.

Big national TV news events in an election year contributed to some lower advertising airings.

TV advertising airings were down for two of the big three networks: CNN fell 6% to 268,240, while MSNBC was 4% lower to 214,820.

Fox was nearly flat, slipping 0.4% to 216,790, and NewsNation was up 29% to 213,350.

EDO Ad EnGage says its engagement volume data -- the increase in online engagement activity in the minutes following the airing of a TV advertisement -- was down across the board.



MSNBC was 31% lower year-over-year (57,99o), with Fox News Channel falling 25% (130,900) CNN 18% lower (69,330) and NewsNation down 4% (19,920).

Top brands for the year on Fox News Channel included Balance of Nature ($45.7 million) and My Pillow ($39.3 million).

CNN's biggest advertisers included Renewal by Anderson ($19.6 million) and St. Jude Children’s Hospital ($12.6 million); MSNBC, St. Jude Children’s Hospital ($10.7 million) and Skyrizi ($6.4 million); and NewsNation, Shriners Hospitals ($4.1 million) and Skyrizi ($3.9 million).

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