
A Marvel-ous Makeover for PointRoll

Move over, Fantastic Four. The misfit PointRoll "boys" have been transformed into Web 2.0 superheroes complete with matching spandex outfits.

The familiar PointRoll characters, including FatBoy, PaperBoy and TowelBoy, each representing a different type of ad format, got the Marvel makeover in connection with the company's launch of AdPortal, its all-in-one rich media platform.

The pumped-up logos even have their own comic book, created by in-house illustrator Charlie Layton and released starting in late September to help promote AdPortal. The storyline follows FatBoy and his band of "rich media revolutionaries" as they battle the villainous Stan Darad, who's banned rich media ads from Mediapolis.

Besides getting superhero alter egos, the PointRoll boys' standard images have also gotten an upgrade. The photographs of actual kids in costume have been changed to edgier cartoon versions.

And don't count on the comic book becoming a collector's item. The next installment is already underway. Stay tuned.


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