
Millennials, Gen Z Favor Organic Products

Millennials, Gen Z and Gen X are more likely than boomers to choose organic, according to a recent survey from organic produce company Earthbound Farm.

Upwards of 50% for the younger generations and only 30% of boomers choose organic, per the "Annual Organic & Other Lifestyle Choices" survey. …

1 comment about "Millennials, Gen Z Favor Organic Products".
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  1. NG Gordon from DearMishuDad, February 22, 2019 at 12:31 a.m.

    Super interesting (how come I didnt think of it...after all, they were horn with us saying "organic" all the time Vs other generations)!!

    "Generally speaking, consumers who shop organic can’t be put into a stereotypical box, according to the survey." - Why generally speaking..., bc its philosophical?

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