
An Uneasy World

Citing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, soaring government deficits, tight labor markets and strikes in several industries, J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon wrote a year ago that “[t]his may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.”

Last week, he doubled down, reiterating that …

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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, October 16, 2024 at 6:39 p.m.

    JWS, I (sadly) have to agree that the data about child obedience in Australia is definitely representative.   It doesn't mean that all the children are rat-bags but there is definitely a cohort of 'uncontrollable' children.   Those cohorts tend to be in families in which the parents have been left behind as the world "improves" financially and some of those families rely on illegal behaviours.   Unfrortunately the children tend to mimick their parents.

    There seems to be a secondary cohort.   As the world shrinks and wealth (for some) increases the children are used to overseas holidays each year, the latest mobile 'phone and spend endless hours on it, they then expect that they can purchase anything and everything.   Let's also pretend they are ignoring the flood of pornography as they know how to get around the 'security' issues.   And, finally, there seems to be a momentum in the media to focus on "the bad news" locally which begins to become the norm, and can watch the global news of war.   Sensationalism seems to be the trend with news.


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