• Amazon's Bezos Fires Up Mobile Success
    Once again, Jeff Bezos is looking like the smartest guy in the room. He can teach just about every company in any industry a few things about innovating for, connecting with and monetizing connected consumers.
  • Companies Must Capitalize More On Social, Mobile To Drive Revs
    Initial indications that mobile e-commerce is driving holiday spending growth should be a wake-up call not only to retailers and traditional media, but to social networks and other new media players that consider themselves edgy.
  • Retailers Miss Opportunity To Reach Shoppers With Social, Mobile Commerce
    The accelerated momentum in e-commerce, social mobile and daily deals will energize holiday sales, which officially launch on Black Friday.This emerging status quo will continue to reshape the retail and marketing experience. While consumers charge ahead, marketers and retailers generally are not positioning themselves to take advantage of the phenomenon.
  • Big 4 TV Nets Wane As Google, Facebook Command Ad Dollars
    Television advertising at more than $65 billion annually may seem impervious to erosion by interactive digital forces, but it's just a matter of time before widespread consumer adoption translates into sizable shifts in marketer spending.
  • Yahoo Dismantling -- The Only Solution
    There is only one way to solve Yahoo's problems, and that's by dismantling the company. It is the reverse of the value creation often promised and seldom realized in mergers. It is the inevitable end to a company that has failed to proactively respond to major trends like interactive social mobility. On the heels of ousting its unpopular CEO Carol Bartz and putting itself on the sale block, Yahoo is unleashing a bevy of new mobile devices, apps and newfangled features to play catch-up. While it is sure to stimulate some activity, the efforts are likely too little, too late.
  • Apple, Google Focus On Streaming Video
    It appears Apple and Google are picking up where Netflix left off, before its Qwikster debacle, to advance universal interface for television by integrating all forms of streaming and static video.
  • Media Companies Need To Capitalize On Social, Interactive Realities
    The paid content quandary grows more interesting and steps closer to resolution with every new development from industry change agents, such as Amazon, Apple, Netflix and major content providers NBC Universal, Time Warner and News Corp.
  • Steve Jobs Tribute: Go Forth and Innovate
    The most fitting tribute a grieving world can make to the late Steve Jobs is to assure and secure a business environment committed to the standard of innovation embodied by Apple's founding chairman.
  • Kindle Strategy Fires Amazon's Future
    Opportunity abounds for marketers and content providers that get this: Amazon is leveraging the Kindle Fire and its treasure trove of media offerings as a means to a much greater end than competing with Apple's iPad.
  • Facebook-Netflix Chasm: Leverage Change To Create Value
    The meteoric advance of Facebook and the precipitous fall of Netflix this past week were a consequence of the same three tenets of success in a volatile business market: use social connections as a means to a greater end, make change to create value, and respect consumer behavior.
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