• Who Heard Of Invisible Children Three Years Ago?
    Dan Khabie, CEO of Digitaria had, because three scruffy looking guys came knocking on the door of his agency, asking if he could help them use "digital" to "change the world."
  • Kony is on the cover of the next issue on Time
    The Invisible Children viral video "Kony 2012" has achieved a milestone predicted in the film itself -- Joseph Kony is on the cover of the forthcoming issue of Time magazine, according to Digitaria CEO Dan Khabie, who showed a preview of the cover at OMMA Global in San Francisco today.  Khabie is explaining how Digitaria helped Invisible Children build their remarkable success over the last decade.
  • millennials trust friends over brands
    While it might seem like a no-brainer, it's useful to have a number attached to it: 94% of millennials trust their friends over brands, according to Perry Tell, SVP for social at Ogilvy
  • buying video views is like buying sex
    "Buying video views is like buying sex, in that you may get what you want in the moment, but there's no long-term relationship," according to Peggy Fry, chief revenue officer of Clearspring, who attributed this insight to a friend (and disavowed any personal, direct knowledge of the this matter).
  • social media metrics will change in 2012
    "The metrics for social media will change dramtically this year," according to Amy Millard, VP of Marketing for Hearsay, who predicted it will move towards "traditional" measures like lift in sales, lift in WOM, and so on -- at the expense of less meaningful metrics like "likes" on Facebook or YouTube views.
  • This Morning's OMMA Buzz Bite: 'Agile Experience Design'
    It was the ever-so-catchy phrase coined by Adam Kleinberg, CEO of San Francisco digital shop Traction, to explain the new "dynamic" creative process that is emerging from Madison Avenue's famed copywriter/art director team.
  • The Weather Channel's Kenny Gets It
    I'm pretty much convinced engineers supporting the tech industry need to move in and take control of online digital advertising in order for the industry to survive. Folks like David Kenny, CEO of The Weather Channel, who worked at Akamai totally get it.
  • Real-Time Inexactitude, And What You 'Do With That'
    Moderator Tim Hanlon began the opening panel on day two of OMMA Global in San Francisco by tossing a controversial question to his panelists: Buzz around the fact that brands are increasingly showing up in decidedly unfriendly brand related content (you know, porn), because the whole real-time market structure isn't as exact as a lot of agencies and brands would like to manage.
  • Do You Know Where Your Digital Ads Land?
    What's working in digital services? A group of ad agency execs - also dubbed as Madison Avenue's most innovative media thinkers -- share their thoughts on the topic in a panel at OMMA Global. Some agency execs still making excuses for not having control of where ads serve up. Intelligent execs, but come on folks, technology companies and partners need to know exactly where ads serve up. They need to take responsibility for where ads land.
  • weather, the eternal employer
    "The good thing is weather is never going to go out of business." -- David Kenny, chairman and CEO of the Weather Channel
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