Mr. Youth And Social Media Society's CollADboration, EZ Studios, New York
September 30, 2010
Fun note: You might get a third JAOM today, covering the Facebook Wrap Party, but I don't want to overload you - so I may just publish online and then send via newsletter on Monday. I still don't know :)
This party post brought to you by AdvilPM and G2, the low-calorie replenishing beverage (not really). Last night, after sweating my face off (I have proof) at City Winery, surrounded by brewskies and breadskis, I hoofed it over to the Mr. Youth and Social Media Society tag team events "CollADboration," a party I hadn't had time to research, but a party I knew would be the type of high-energy hootenanny I would need to propel me to the end of the night. Now if only I had gotten on the correct train.
It annoys the hell out of me when, after five years (maybe more) in this insane city I still hop on the train in the wrong direction. This usually happens when a week full of parties has sent me in one direction all week and I just blow through the station on autopilot. The burning anger I feel when I see the station stop numbers increasing when they should be decreasing knows no human description. I erred in both directions last night, and my stupid feet crammed into my stupid boots throbbed their disapproval.
I knew where I was before I knew where I was because smack in front of a nondescript building was a bright turquoise blue food truck. It was StreetSweets! All guests received a ticket "good for something savory and sweet." Persia Tatar, founder of Social Media Society and doer of 1 million things at once (and well!), asked me immediately if I had gotten my treat. So did Mr. Youth's master of ceremonies Doug Akin, and Mr. Youth's Kenny Heinau. They know me too well. What they didn't know was that I had just gorged myself at NYC Brewer's Choice. I really couldn't imagine putting one more item in my stomach without a "Seven"-style gluttonous explosion.
On the floor I found arty types creating art, on the walls I found creations already fastened. The energy inside of event space EZ Studios was one only creative hunger can pump out. It's the orchestra of the scissor snip, the Mod Podge mosh pit. It's the glue-sniff high. The bountiful drinks and the gregarious hosts (including perpetually perky Account Executive at Mr. Youth, Alexis Dorenter) wrapped the event in a sizzling hug of drunken happiness.
I ran into the DiGenarro Communications trifecta of Nora Lyons, Kristen Bryan, and Kendra Peavy. They were holding court with AgencySpy's Kiran Aditham, no doubt dishing on some agency dirt. I also very briefly blipped by DBG's Brent Armel, who opted out of his usual bowtie for the regular tie. He was moving tables to make room for two kickass breakdancing wildmen, Losi and Ra Ra, who were introduced by the only kind of mouthnoises I like: beatboxing. The beatboxer was "Bamboo."
As I creeped out into the night, heading for Roseland Ballroom for the Facebook GenerationNext wrap party, I found Conversation's Troy Allen holding up a door frame. He was sipping a lemony-looking beverage, and we talked about career paths and dog portraits up until a beefy dude ripe with intimidation and potential law enforcement approached.
"You got any alcohol in that, sir?" he barked ever so gently at Troy.
"Nope," smiled Troy, "just some delicious lemonade!"
"I would suggest you chug that, then," advised BeefCake.
Poor Troy, he chugged that "lemonade" and looked as if his insides were about to make a cameo. I left him with my water and made my way up to 57th, but not before three weirdos on the street offered to do to me what their friend did to 30 burgers. Who says that?!
AND! Congratulations to CollADboration competition winner "champale." Their reinterpretation of iconic advertising won them a donation to their choice of charities: City Harvest, The Highline, Central Park Conservancy, RxArt or New York Cares. Everybody wins!
Photos are up on Flickr! (plenty more coming!)