Consumers who interact with rich media campaigns average 14 seconds spent with the brand per interaction, and are five times more likely to click on the ad once they interact with it, according to a
benchmark report.
Email has the highest interaction rate when it comes to features but only 12.2 seconds of interaction time, whereas consumers interact with rich media mobile ads about 1.9% of the time for 17.7 seconds on average, according to the PointRoll 2012 Benchmark report scheduled for release Thursday. It analyzes performance metrics by format, rich media, standard display, and viewability metrics, as well as why these benchmarks matter.
Campaigns with low viewability, where ads are served but not in-view, had a strong correlation with a reduced click-through rate. In campaigns where the impressions were 0%-20% viewable, the click-through rate was 0.08% compared with campaigns where 80%-100% of impressions were viewable that doubled the click-through rate (CTR).
The study analyzes a variety of ads and metrics. Ads on business-to-business sites garner the highest interaction rates, and ads on music streaming media sites receive the highest brand interaction times. Expandable ads have an interaction rate of 3.8%, compared with 6.8% for pre-expandable and 2.2% for floating. The average interaction time for expandable is 16.1 seconds, pre-expandable at 8.4 seconds, and floating at 4.6 seconds.
Video completion rates differ depending on the type of rich media advertisements. Expandable ads have a 38.1% chance the viewer will complete 25% of the video, compared with a 30.8% chance for 50% completion or 26.6% of a 75% completion rate and a 24.4% chance the viewer will watch the whole video. The polite ad, which allows part of the ad to download before the content, has a 46.4% change of 100% completion, compared with pre-expandable at 19.8% and 13.5% for floating.
As for specific market segments, rich media ads for restaurant and services gain the highest interaction rate at 6.45%, followed by professional services at 6.25% and computers and technology at 6.01%. The top categories for the average interaction rate are not the same. In this category, finance at 22.1, food and beverage manufacturing at 18.2, and government at 16.6 take the top three spots.
Rich media ads in the apparel and the home improvement industries tie at 0.41% CTR. Restaurant and food services follow with 0.34%, and toys and game manufacturers at 0.33%. Automotive, entertainment, insurance and government have the lowest CTR at 0.09%, 0.09%, 0.08%, and 0.05%, respectively.