Shatner Scales Tall Building As Overprotective Dad in Latest Ad

pricelineJust because a potential suitor uses to book a room doesn't mean Dad is going to approve. Kaley Cuoco and her date learn this the hard way in "Negotiator Rises." In it, Cuoco's new man books a room in a fancy high-rise hotel. Shatner scales the hotel -- think Tom Cruise in "Mission Impossible -- Ghost Protocol" -- cuts through the window, and asks about  Cuoco's new boyfriend, Blair. Blair quips that he used Express Deals to score the room, meaning he got the room he wanted without having to bid for it. When Blair adds that he always gets what he wants, Shatner pulls him out of the window, watching as Blair winds up in the hotel pool. See the ad here, which was shot at the WaterMarke Tower in Los Angeles. Butler Shine Stern & Partners created the ad, directed by Roman Coppola.



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