Is it just me -- or does it seem as if every day is a holiday of some sort? Sept. 19 is
"Talk Like A Pirate Day," and those who do so at their local
Krispy Kreme will receive a free glazed doughnut.
Baldwin& created a video and mobile website with
downloadable, animated, virtual piratewear, for those who want to go that extra mile: Those wearing at least three pirate-themed items get a dozen doughnuts for free. The mobile campaign offers users
a choice of eleven downloadable GIF-based, virtual, animated pirate accessories for anyone who might not have time to visit Party City before Saturday. Users have to be physically wearing two pirate
items and can download one piece of virtual pirate apparel to score the dozen doughnuts. This seems like too much work. See a video of the
mobile website in
action here, or just visit the
mobile site for gear and to use the pirate name generator.