AT&T, coming off the $49 billion acquisition of DirecTV last year, has been quietly putting together the pieces to potentially become one of the few outlets that can offer marketers the ability to
precisely target people on all of their digital devices, according to a
Wall Street Journal report. "Some top digital ad buyers said they questioned AT&T’s interest in the ad
business after the company in late 2013 reduced staff in its AT&T AdWorks advertising division and pulled the plug on a digital ad network and a mobile ad network—both of which used the vast
pools of data culled from its 130 million wireless subscribers. Since then, some of those ad buyers say they have barely heard from AT&T, let alone funneled much business the company’s way.
...AT&T AdWorks now has annualized revenues of more than $1 billion, according to AT&T. And the company says that’s just the start of its major ambitions in advertising."
Read the whole story at Wall Street Journal »