'The Hill' Unveils New Site Design, Will Debut Opinion Section

Washington D.C.-based political newspaper The Hill unveiled a redesign of its desktop and tablet versions this week, in preparation for the launch of an expanded opinion section to debut next month.

James Finkelstein, chairman of Capitol Hill Publishing Corp, which publishes The Hill, told Publishers Daily the site hadn't been redesigned for almost three years before this update. “The site and the information in the site both had grown exponentially. We wanted to incorporate all the information we now have with a very clean and modern look,” he said.

Unique visitors to The Hill’s site is up by 188.7% this year, compared to the same period last year, per the company.

The redesign has brought a more simplified look to The Hill, with wider expanses of white space, a bolder and bigger font and an updated light blue logo. It also gives personalized news recommendations to frequent visitors.

The Hill will roll out additional updates over the course of the next months, a spokesperson said. The redesign will extend to the mobile web and the brand’s iPhone and iPad apps.

Following this redesign, The Hill is planning on introducing a new opinion section that will include more political influencers and government experts. The site currently publishes 20 opinion pieces a day. In the next two months, The Hill plans to double that number.

This year, The Hill launched its first paid serving offering called “The Hill Extra,” a new vertical accessible only to paying subscribers. Dozens of new employees have been hired to work on its content.

In September, the publication added "The Hill Extra: Healthcare," which focuses on healthcare regulation and policy information, the first of five paid verticals to be part of "The Hill Extra" offering.
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