That’s a global projection from Digital TV Research, which sees mobile taking on an increasing role in driving subscription-based video-on-demand customer growth as other platforms reach their rapid-growth limitations.
Total global SVOD subscriptions will reach 1.16 billion by 2025, up from 642 million in 2019, the researcher projects in an SVOD forecasts-by-vendor report.
Within that 2025 total, subscriptions through direct, fixed broadband connections will account for 526 million, or 45%, and indirect partnerships with pay-TV operators will account for 176 million, or 15%.
“Smartphone SVOD take-up will be highest in emerging markets, especially those with low fixed broadband penetration, where disposable incomes are limited,” according to the analysts.
Netflix already has partnerships with 111 of the 493 operators surveyed by the researcher, and Amazon Prime Video has 52.
In another new report, the researcher projects that the average smartphone SVOD subscriber will pay for 1.83 gross SVOD subscriptions by 2025. That’s up from 1.45 in 2019 — although it’s still somewhat lower than the projection for fixed broadband homes.
My prediction is that by 2025 5%-10% of SVOD Subscriptions will come from devices that don't even exist yet.