Connected TV Viewing Climbs 57%, Smart TV Platforms Double Streaming Viewing Share

Connected TV set-top-box devices --- Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Apple TV -- continue to command the largest share of all worldwide streaming viewing -- 50%. But internal, onscreen smart TV platforms are gaining.

In the third quarter of this year, streaming research company Conviva says, smart TV platforms including Samsung, LG and Vizio doubled their share of streaming viewing -- up to a 14.8% from 7.7% in the same period a year ago.

Overall streaming viewing of TV content has grown 57% -- with a 78% increase for video-on-demand content viewing and a 24% gain in live viewing.

In the U.S., connected and set-top devices have a 58% share, followed by smart TV platforms at 14%, game video consoles at 10%; mobile with 8%, desktop at 6% and tablet at 4%.

For its part, viewing through just connected and set-top devices improved 55% over the third quarter a year ago. Looking at individual devices. Roku continues to be the dominate leader -- a 47.7% share when it comes connected TV viewing time. Amazon Fire TV at a 27.6% share.



NFL programming streaming -- on all devices -- grew 41% versus relatively flat viewing gain on linear TV, Conviva says.

Conviva says total advertising impressions through streaming systems are up 22%.

Conviva measures more than 500 million unique viewers watching 150 billion streams per year with 1.5 trillion real-time transactions per day across more than 180 countries.

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