Attention Metrics Startup Gets Attention Of Ad Industry's Elite Research Thinkers, Names Them To Board

Adelaide, an ad-tech firm marketing attention-based media ratings, has gotten the attention of the ad industry’s researcher intelligencer, and has named six of them to a new strategic board of advisors.

The board includes two former Advertising Research Foundation chiefs -- Jim Spaeth and Gayle Fuguitt -- as well as two of the ARF’s Ephron Award winners: Spaeth and Bill Harvey.

Three other media research heavyweights -- Alice Sylvester (former ARF chair, and Spaeth’s partner at Sequent Partners), Howard Shimmel (president of Janus Strategy & Insights and former Turner Chief Research Officer), and consultant Marshall Cohen) -- fill out the board.

Adelaide said the board was created to help the company accelerate broader industry adoption of its proprietary metric for measuring the quality of audience attention of digital advertising.

"They're huge advocates of attention metrics and helping us figure out how drive adoption from brands," Adelaide founder Marc Guldimann says of the new board, adding, "The way I rationalized the investment was 'if you’re trying to create a new currency, it’s a good idea to get the people who defined the last few on your side'."

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