Top 3 Premium Streamers May Have Hit Saturation Point: Survey

Distribution among three top premium streaming services -- Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video -- may be slowing down.

The Leichtman Group, the media and entertainment research company, points out that 78% of all U.S. TV households have at least one of these services -- the same number as in 2020. The percentage was 74% in 2019 and 59% in 2016.

When it comes to multiple ownership of these three streaming services, 58% of U.S. households now have more than one. This compares to 55% in 2020, 51% in 2019, and 28% in 2016.

In a more broad look at streaming -- analyzing another 11 streaming services (14 total) -- Leichtman says 82% of all TV homes have at least one streaming or direct-to-consumer service, while 53% have three or more services.

The survey also reveals that 41% of all adults stream a top premium service daily. Viewers ages 18-34 comprise a 41% share of daily streaming, while those 18-44 comprise 67%.

Leichtman’s survey was conducted in June and July, with 2,000 adults ages 18 and older. The overall sample has a statistical margin of error of +/-2.2%.



1 comment about "Top 3 Premium Streamers May Have Hit Saturation Point: Survey".
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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, September 1, 2021 at 7:08 p.m.

    Speaking of 'distribution' for Netflix, Hulu & APV "may be slowing down", ever heard of "The Normal Distribution" (aka the bell-shaped curve).

    It is not a case of "may be slowing down" but a case of "must slow down" at some time in the future.

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