Microsoft Bing and Yandex have begun to share URLs through IndexNow, a crawling protocol for website owners that instantly informs search engines about the latest content changes on a website. It lets search engines know that a URL and its content have been added, updated, or deleted, allowing it to quickly reflect this change in search results.
In October, Microsoft announced the development of the protocol, which promises to make crawling and indexing more efficient.
More than 80,000 websites have begun using the protocol, gaining faster submission and index times.
The list of companies adopting IndexNow protocol includes Akamai, Botify, Cloudflare, Duda, Oncrawl, Onely, Yandex, Wix, Duda, and Cloudflare. Google is reportedly testing the protocol.
Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the URLs that have changed, helping to prioritize the crawl for these URLs and limit organic crawling to discover new content.
The protocol is simple, according to Microsoft. Users can create a key on the company’s server and then post a URL to the search engine to notify IndexNow-participating search engines of the change.
Microsoft earlier this month released an IndexNow Plugin for WordPress that enables automated submission of URLs from WordPress sites to multiple search engines without the need to register and verify the website.
Once installed, the plugin automatically generates and hosts the API key on the website.
It detects the creation, updates, and deletion of pages in WordPress, and automatically submits the URLs in the background.