
In The Zone: You're Either A B2B Data Hero Or The Opposite

B2B marketers may not want to describe themselves as data sluggards. But many are, judging by Don’t Get Caught in the Data Dead Zone in 2024, an e-book by Anteriad. 

Of the marketers studied, 100% report challenges with data quality and completeness -- problems that could hamper everything from web targeting to email. These hurdles include: 

  1. Issues with data quality and completeness
  2. Not using third-party intent data
  3. Unhappy with lead scoring methodology 
  4. Little exposure to B2C marketing tactics
  5. Trouble meeting goals

In contrast, only 44% of so-called Data Heroes say they have these headaches.  



In a similar way, only 36% of Data Dead Zone denizens are satisfied with their lead scoring, compared to 83% of the Heroes. 

Putting marketers into these buckets has become quite a pastime. For instance, a new report from states that 56% of highly evolved B2B brands are satisfied with their intention-based marketing , while 22% are highly dissatisfied. 

In contrast, 60% of lesser-evolved companies are dissatisfied, and 22% are very much so. 

But back to Anteriad -- it says that Data Heroes are twice as likely to meet their marketing goals this year. And those trapped in the Data Dead Zone are much less likely to leverage intent data: only 40% do.  

How does one get out of the Data Dead Zone? Anteriad says you should take these steps: 

  • Address issues with data quality and completeness. This includes creating a data center and launching a data audit. 
  • Start using intent data
  • Revamp your lead scoring methodology. 
  • Learn about B2C marketing
  • Adjust your strategy to meet your goals.
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