
Daily Family Co-Viewing Steady At 44%, YouTube Is Kids' Top Platform

Daily family TV/video co-viewing remained virtually the same in the fourth quarter of 2023 versus the year before at 44%, according to parents who responded to a survey from Precise TV, an advertising platform that uses contextual intelligence to provide insights for video campaigns.

Daily family TV/video co-viewing was 45% in the year-earlier period. 

Another 41% of parents said they co-viewed with their children “several times a week,” compared to 40% the year before. 

More specifically, in the survey nearly half of all kids reported that they co-view on YouTube.

More broadly, 70% say they watch with their parents on connected TV devices.

The biggest platform for kids viewing by far is YouTube. Viewers ages 2-12 watch 106 minutes a day on YouTube, with 81% consuming content on YouTube, 66% on video-on-demand platforms, 55% on mobile/tablet games and 44% on video gaming.



YouTube is also tops in advertising recall. According to research, the Google-owned ad-supported video platform provides more than two times the ad recall (51%) compared to other platforms. 

The next-highest ad recall comes from playing a game on a phone/tablet (21%), while a TV commercial from a video-on-demand platform comes in at 20%, YouTube Shorts is at 19% and and TikTok is at 19%.

The growth of ad recall from co-viewing family sessions is reflected in the finding that 80% of parents say their child asked from them for something they have seen on a TV-video commercial while co-viewing.

Moving down the purchasing funnel, nearly 60% of parents say they are more likely to purchase a product they have seen while co-viewing with their children.

Research from Precise TV, in partnership with Giraffe Insights, surveyed 2,000 children ages 2-12 and their parents.

1 comment about "Daily Family Co-Viewing Steady At 44%, YouTube Is Kids' Top Platform".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, February 28, 2024 at 11:03 a.m.

    Wayne,co-viewing has been with us from the very beginning. In fact, as we show in "Total TV Dimensions 2024", tobe published shortly by Media Dynamics Inc, It once was much more common than it as today. As for the suggestion that co-viewing is a great boon for adverrtisers as it promotes greater attention for their ad messages, hence more impact, the jury is still out on that one. It all depends on who the co-viewers are and what proiduct is being advertised. For example, if it's a 6-year -old and daddy, and the commercial is for lipstick, don't expect a mad rush to the stores the next day---or an instant online visit to Amazon--to buy the product. If it's for a toy, maybe the kid wiill get so excited--that he will beg daddy to buy it for him.

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