
A Sell-Side Solution For Reach & Frequency Across CTV, Linear And Digital

Looking to amp up its effort around frequency management, Roku is adopting Innovid’s Harmony Reach & Frequency product -- the first sell-side publisher to do so, according to the ad-technology company.

Innovid says the product -- in a partnership with Roku's new Roku Data Cloud business -- will help drive incremental reach, reduce waste, and improve campaign performance.

Frequency issues can be a problem for brands when it comes to too much exposure with regard to their advertising messaging -- and consumers can tire of that exposure.

The Harmony product has already been adopted by brands, media agencies, and demand-side platforms (DSPs).

Innovid will share its data through the Roku Data Cloud platform, where brands can connect to Roku Data Cloud via Roku’s clean room, for advertising inventory in Roku Exchange.



Roku Data Cloud allows advertisers, agencies and partners to receive data on topics including viewership habits, preferences and identity.

Roku Exchange gives advertisers access Roku's ad inventory through their preferred buying platforms.

Other Roku Data Cloud efforts, expanding on existing ad-tech data partnerships includes deals around planning (Omnicom Media Group and PMG); activation (Yahoo DSP); and outcomes and measurement (Innovid and iSpot.).

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