On average, more
than 70% of U.S. smart-TV viewers use streaming apps for three months or fewer — and apps showing the lowest time spent per month have the lowest retention periods.
That’s according to the latest churn trends analysis from Samsung ads, based on data from the brand’s 70 …
Time spent (wasted) with unwanted commercials, which lengthens the programs and thus overall time spent. Seems like a questionable (and circular) correlation if it leads to reduced satisfaction, especially with advertising that repeats the same ads over and again. Program loyalty is not advertiser loyalty.
When this report refers to "viewers" or "users" I assume that it really means smartsets not individual members of the household---as I believe that smartset usage is the basis for the findings.
Like Douglas---though for different reasons---I have difficulty buying the premise that advertising to "light viewers"---meaning households---can increase their engagement with the program content and reduce "churn". So if a person living in a light using household happens to see a commercial once in a while this will make said light viewer think that the program content has more value and not cancel the service???? Or are they also saying that the once -in- a- while ad contact will---or may---be more effective for the advertiser as it may be better targeted---supposedly reaching someone who is "in the market" for the advertised product or service???