
Sharing Personal Data Becomes Easier When Consumers Don't Feel Prodded Or Pushed

Nearly one-third of consumers would decline non-essential website cookies if asked, and 58% would opt out of mailing lists regularly, but 47% said they will share data with a business on their own terms, according to data released Thursday.

Of those participating in the survey conducted by consumer research company …

1 comment about "Sharing Personal Data Becomes Easier When Consumers Don't Feel Prodded Or Pushed".
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  1. Craig Mcdaniel from Sweepstakes Today LLC, February 1, 2024 at 10:10 p.m.

    Laurie, a couple of points.  As you know, many company use sweepstakes and contests to deal with the opt-out issue.  For the consumer, there is a nature risk verses rewards consideration before entering. If the consumer doesn't like the sponsor or if the reward is undesireable, they will not enter. Second point many companies use sweepstakes to get the first party data directly because it has a high ROI.  

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