Political Ad Spending Estimated To Climb To $10.7B: Analyst

A new 2023-2024 estimate projects political advertising revenues will rise to $10.7 billion -- up from an earlier estimate of $10.2 billion, according to AdImpact.

This total would show 19% growth versus the 2019-2020 Presidential political advertising period, when political ad revenue totaled $9.02 billion.

The advertising research company says …

1 comment about "Political Ad Spending Estimated To Climb To $10.7B: Analyst".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, July 5, 2024 at 3:46 p.m.

    I wonder if they have calculated what the spending will be like if Biden doesn't drop out and many of his donors pull back rather than waste their money on a loser, compared to what happens if Harris replaces Biden at the top of the Dem ticket---at least giving them a chance to win in November. In the latter case, spending might soar even higher than these estimates suggest.

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