TikTok, American Express Launch Small Business Accelerator Program

In preparation for Small Business Saturday (Nov. 26), TikTok is launching a new accelerator program in partnership with American Express. #ShopSmall will provide small businesses with platform insights, guidance, and ad credit for eligible brands.

American Expresses founded Small Business Saturday in 2010. In the past decade, it has become a global movement dedicated to supporting local businesses through creating job opportunities -- and now with TikTok, helping businesses reach the next generation of consumers.

According to company data, 58% of TikTok users report discovering new brands and products on the platform, with 44% saying they immediately went out to buy something they discovered on the platform.

The 2022 Shop Small Impact Study from American Express shows that 72% of small business owners said their customers rely on social media channels for store news, and almost 88% said it has helped them find their new customers.



To help small businesses stand out during the busy and crowded holiday shopping season, the new accelerator program will feature guidance on current trends and other topics by popular TikTok creators Anna Sitar, Brandon Blackwood, and Sofia Bella.

Alongside the accelerator program is a dedicated website that features a range of tips and pointers for small business as well as an 8-minute video highlighting these popular TikTok content creators and guidelines for businesses who may be eligible for a TikTok ad credit.

The social media giant is giving away up to $250,000 in ad credits. Small businesses will be able to access $100 in ad credit to use on TikTok after they spend $50 on their first TikTok Ads campaign.

TikTok has also added new #ShopSmall stickers to help promote both the program and Small Business Saturday.

1 comment about "TikTok, American Express Launch Small Business Accelerator Program".
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  1. Douglas Ferguson from College of Charleston, November 16, 2022 at 1:52 p.m.

    Not available in countries that have banned TikTok for privacy and content concerns.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TikTok#Bans_and_attempted_bans
    U.S. companies typically avoid partnerships with foreign entities that have been surrounded by controversies but the TikTok juggernaut has a "fluid" respectability.

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