
Reader Comment of the Week

Congratulations Snickers! After the Superbowl, everytime I see a snickers bar, I laugh...I feel a little sick, but laugh. Though extremely upsetting, the snickers commercial was successful in their marketing.

So we were all sitting in front of the big screen and in a matter of seconds we were all laughing, and then we were all wide eyed as we watched the two grown men kiss..and then we were all cringing and then we broke out into disbelieving laughter peppered with disgusted groans.

I agree with many that it was overdone and I did NOT need to see that, but I have to give them credit. From a marketing perspective I think it was a job well done. Since the superbowl, any time snickers is mentioned everyone I've been around begins to talk about that commercial and the controversy as well as the humor. On the unfortunate side, marketing has gone that far, but it's working. Thank god I don't have to see it again, even if it did make me chuckle.

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