Articles by Jack All articles by Jack
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: Fox's Kevin Reilly, Sony's Steve Mosko, Disney's Albert Cheng and Joost's Yvette Alberdingk-Thijm On Economics Of The New Television Marketplace in
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Online content is providing a development laboratory for networks and studios, agreed panelists at yesterday's JackMyers Future of Media event hosted at the Paley Center for Media in Los Angeles. "Fox TV has begun using the Internet to seed properties and use it as a development and R&D lab to plant certain ideas, grow them, and find out if there's some interest in a concept, especially in comedy and animation," commented Fox Entertainment President Kevin Reilly.
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: Scientology and YouTube; Strike Impact; Upfronts; And Roger Clemens in
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Conspiracy theorists are having a field day with the YouTube freeze on view counts of all Scientology related stories that prevented several videos that are critical of Scientology from appearing on YouTube's "Most Popular Videos" home page feature....
- Jack Myers' Think Tank -- Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: Media Industry Cauldron Bubbles in
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After nearly 17 years with MTV, Christina Norman stepped down yesterday as the network's president. Last May Christina told me, "For the past few years we have been talking about our challenges, and now it's become all about the possibilities. We rise and fall on how we embrace possibility. This is a new playground and we're eager to find out the next act."
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: In a Week of Great TV and the Super Bowl, Diller Vs. Malone Is Classic Battle in
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Strike or not, with "American Idol," "Lost" and the Super Bowl, this week is one of the best network TV has experienced in a long time. And to top it all off, we have Super Tuesday, Feb. 5. But for all the hype and excitement surrounding television this week, plus the hundreds of stories about companies, investments, executives, economic conditions and more, the one I'm fascinated by is the Barry Diller and John Malone soap opera.
- Jack Myers' Think Tank -- Two Sundance Film Festivals: Which Will Survive? in
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There are two Sundance Film Festivals. One hosts several thousand film enthusiasts, movie industry professionals and others with passion for and/or professional interest in independent films. The other Sundance plays hosts to thousands of guests who have marginal interest in films or even relevance to the independent film community.
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: Prime-Time Ratings Will Increase Thanks To The Strike in
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I'm going out on a limb to forecast that broadcast network ratings might actually increase in the next three months compared to last year's averages.
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: NBCU and Sony Transform CES to 'Tech PLUS Content' Convention in
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The major presence of NBC Universal at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas represents a watershed moment for the television industry. NBC-TV Entertainment president Ben Silverman commented to JackMyers Media Business Report, "the companies here are featuring technologies that mean little without content. How much better are the technology demonstrations that feature NBCU programming compared to the ones with flowers and an ant crawling on a leaf?"
- Prime-time TV: Are You Feeling The Pain Yet? in
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Happy new year. For all practical purposes, viewers will notice very little impact from the writers strike until late February, when the networks' backlog of scripted programs begins to run dry. This reality, more than any other, is why the Writers Guild of America members have little motivation to alter their negotiating strategy. The networks will not feel any real pain until the May upfront selling season, and even then the true financial pain is not inflicted until the fourth quarter 2008 and beyond.
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: Advertising 'Strike Tax' is the Solution to Writers'/Producers' Impasse in
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In the first week of the Writers Guild of America strike, I offered a solution that has been gaining momentum over the past two weeks. "It's time to think out of the box in more ways than one," I wrote on Nov. 9. So here's the solution. Let the advertisers step up and agree to pay a tax on all network television ad expenditures for the next three years, beginning in September 2008, to fund a pool for distribution to writers, actors, directors and related unions. This pool of funds will provide compensation for the writers', directors' and actors' contributions to the digital rights expansion producers need and want, without requiring long -term economic valuation of the new-media marketplace.
- Jack Myers' Think Tank: Advertisers and Agencies Meet with Writers As Long Strike Seems Pre-Ordained in
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Direct deals between advertisers and writers are in the works, and members of the Writers Guild of America have been meeting with media agency executives this week on fact-finding missions and to clearly outline their negotiating positions.
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