2023 Legacy-Owned Streamers To Post 18% Ad Spike, TV Still Down Overall

Although legacy-owned TV-based streaming platforms are projected to see a nearly 18% rise in advertising revenues this year, overall TV/CTV video business from traditional TV companies will see a “shockingly bad” 11% drop in ad revenues in 2023 versus 2022, according to MoffettNathanson Research.

Total TV-streaming ad revenues are estimated …

1 comment about "2023 Legacy-Owned Streamers To Post 18% Ad Spike, TV Still Down Overall".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, December 13, 2023 at 2:15 p.m.

    It's difficult to evaluate reports such as this without more detailed breakdowns. For, example are these percentages for nationally placed ad dollars-only or for the total ad incomes of these corporations, in the case of the broadcast TV networks , including their O&O TV stations? Or, how do their cable holdings stack up relative to their broadcast networks in ad revenues---is cable the weak sister in this equation?

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