
Independent Voters Give 4% More 'Attention' To Political Ads Vs. Average Viewing

Are political campaigns working? Some are -- and the good news is that it mostly comes down to the key voters everyone wants: Independents.

Independent voters are paying about 4% more attention to political ads than the average viewing of all TV commercials, according to TVision. Its second-by-second attention data …

2 comments about "Independent Voters Give 4% More 'Attention' To Political Ads Vs. Average Viewing".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, October 2, 2024 at 6:55 p.m.

    Wayne,the differences  are very small  and may be a function of demographics.For example TVision usually finds that older viewers are more likely to watch TV commercials than younger adults. If the -median age of the Democrat viewers happened to be three or four years younger than the GOP viewers, that, alone might explain the differences you cited. .

  2. Ben B from Retired, October 2, 2024 at 11:26 p.m.

    Political ads don't sway me since all it is slander, smearing, defaming, by both sides along with spewing lies. I wish that there was a rule that political ads can only air 6 weeks out for primaries & mid-term/general elections so you don't have 7 or 8 months of the ads that are lies.  

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