RTBlog checked in with Victor Wong, CEO of PaperG, a creative management platform that enables publishers, agencies and advertisers to match creative executions to the increasing variety of targeting segments and ad formats. As such, Wong is at the center of the real-time creative universe and offered these predictions for 2016.
Wong: The Death of Rich Media
“The Interactive Advertising Bureau’s announcement about the LEAN ad standards (light, encrypted, ad-choice friendly and non-intrusive) in response to the rise of ad blocking spells the end of rich media as we know it. Consumers are pushing back against heavy file sizes that take over their screen and seriously distract them. Publishers that were proponents of rich media are now suffering from the end results of ad blocking and will turn to simpler, more targeted ads.”
Wong: Programmatic Creative Spells The End Of Generic Creative
“We're now at a point where $20 billion is spent on programmatic media in total, with about $6 billion of that going toward data-driven targeting technologies. Unfortunately, over 90% of programmatic creative executions aren’t enabled properly relative to targeting. New advances will make it easier to produce more creative variations that match targeting. This will result in the industry finally being able to deliver the right message, to the right person, in the right place and at the right time.”
Wong: Native Goes Programmatic
“Native has started off as a direct-sold ad unit by publishers. To get more scale, native already went the way of ad networks that aggregate similar, native-like inventory. The next step to make native go beyond experimental budgets is make it truly programmatic so it achieves scale. This will require new creative tools to preview, edit and manage creative ad units across all possible native environments.”
Wong: Rise of “Hands On Keyboards” By Agencies/Brands -- And The End of Managed Services
“Agencies have relied on managed services, where ad-tech vendors do the work on software on behalf of the agency (which acts more like a project coordinator at this point). As brand clients begin to bring programmatic and ad tech in-house, aided by similar services, agencies will begin to build real competency with the software and demonstrate why brands can't possibly staff up enough and execute as well without agency talent. Agencies will begin to speed up by removing the extra layer of managed service that slows things down as people wait for an email response and action.”
Wong: The Rise of “Adwalls” In Response To Ad Blockers
“As publishers suffer revenue loss from ad blockers, they will try to figure out consumer-friendly ways to ensure that consumers enable ads to see content. These could include things like an option to subscribe for expensive access, to view LEAN ads for cheaper access, or to see all types of ads for the cheapest access. Registration walls may rise also as an alternative to ad monetization, by gathering audience data and monetizing it in other ways.”