Almost All Consumers Expect To Shop Via Social This Year, Study Says

Email marketers and ecommerce brands should watch out for a growing phenomenon: That 98% of consumers plan to make at least one purchase through social media this year, and that 68% have already bought via social, according to a study by Sprout Social, a provider of social media management software.  

But social shoppers are choosy: For one thing, 60% are more likely to buy from brands that highlight inclusivity in their content. This is cited by 73% of Gen Z and 72% of millennials.

They are also more likely to embrace virtual reality (AR) and augmented reality (AR), and more than 85% of those who do have started social shopping. Adoption of these new technologies is especially skewed toward Gen Z (32%) and millennials (30%). 

Digitally active Gen Z shoppers expect to use visual-first social networks like Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat to make purchases in 2022. Gen X and boomers are inclined toward Pinterest and Facebook.

In addition, family and friends still heavily influences purchases, especially among baby boomers. 

All this spells an opportunity for brands to “leverage the social storefront to create powerful, frictionless connections with customers,” says Jamie Gilpin, CMO, Sprout Social.

Sprout surveyed nearly 1,000 consumers in the United States.


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