An overwhelming majority (93%) of agency and brand executives who buy digital video say they are using some type of attention-assessment method in their TV/video campaigns, according to an Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) video ad spend outlook report released at Wednesday’s NewFronts.
Among the 360 executives interviewed by Advertiser Perceptions for the report, half (51%) report using biometric attention metrics.
Those include eye-tracking (34%), thermal scanning (21%) used to determine, for example, if someone is the room when the ad is playing), and other bio data, such as body temperature, heart rate or blood pressure (6%).
Fully 81% say there should be two or more unified currencies. Within that, 49% say there should be three or four, and 21% five or six. Six percent believe such currencies should not be used at all.
Among those who support multiple currencies, 92% overall think the timing for transacting on those currencies will be within two years, including 40% predicting this will happen in 2024, and 24% in 2023, and 15% in 2025.
When it comes to defining minimum requirements for total impression measurement for transactions, 76% combined think P2+ should be a requirement, but many would qualify that with various other factors, such as viewability, viewability across devices, and co-viewing.
About half (52%) think viewability should be a minimum requirement, but 52% want impressions defined by cumulative view time, versus 48% wanting continuous view time.
A third (32%) want three minimum seconds for viewability, 24% (five) and 19% (four)—the rest are split across one, two or six seconds.
Interesting---but even if this is a valid crossection of digital video buyers and ad spend----the figures seem rather high. When it comes to linear TV and CTV, attention metrics are rarely utilized---except as add-ons in some buys by certain sellers. Seems strange that they are in such common use for digital video.
Sounds like a sheep muster.