
Why Life Is Bueno For This Ferrero SVP

Ferrero's Danielle Sporkin talks building relationships, early wins, and Mad Men's Peggy Olson's daily impact.

I've had the opportunity to connect with and learn from executives of major brands at MediaPost's Insider Summits. In the process I've discovered some truly impressive women -- not only for the work they do, but their stories behind the scenes. With Brand Insider: BTS, I get to pull back the curtain on some of the most influential women marketers as they talk about their path to success: the twists and turns, obstacles, inspirations and the valuable lessons learned along the way. 

“There’s this idea of Instagram versus reality and things feeling like they have to be so perfect, but the reality of life is things aren't perfect. It's messy and stuff goes wrong, and it's actually about how you take on those challenges and learn from them and grow from them and move forward that really make us more resilient.” Danielle Sporkin has certainly taken on those challenges and grown! Ferrero’s svp of media & marketing services, NA believes most women, especially working moms like herself, feel this pressure to “have it all together” or at least appear as if they do, and, though sometimes helpful, she’s finally learned she doesn’t have to. In this episode of Brand Insider: BTS, Danielle goes on to say it’s okay to be vulnerable and admit we don’t have all the answers. Instead it’s about how we respond that makes a difference. She also advises everyone, whether senior level or just starting out, to be curious and open to new opportunities, crediting a willingness to take on new jobs and raise her hand a lot for her robust career-- one that includes a nine year stint on the New York Roller Derby circuit! Can you guess what her Derby name was? You can watch the entire conversation here:



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