- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Monday, Aug. 31, 2015
- Yuno Rewards Users When Friends Buy Products
- Vine Singing Sweeter Tune With New Music-Editing Tools
- Review: 'YouthNation': Building Remarkable Brands In A Youth-Driven Culture
- Digital Engagement Index
- How Facebook Pulled Off Its Mobile Rebirth
- 3 Marketing Lessons From The Top Travel Brand Videos On Social
- YouTube Gaming Getting Good Reviews
- MTV Dealt With Snapchat For VMAs
- Let's Not Allow Fragmented To Mean Fractured
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Monday, Aug. 31, 2015
- Yuno Rewards Users When Friends Buy Products
- Digital Engagement Index
- Vine Singing Sweeter Tune With New Music-Editing Tools
- Review: 'YouthNation': Building Remarkable Brands In A Youth-Driven Culture
- How Facebook Pulled Off Its Mobile Rebirth
- 3 Marketing Lessons From The Top Travel Brand Videos On Social
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Friday, Aug. 28, 2015
- One Billion People Used Facebook on Monday. So What?
- Adaptly Gets Early Instagram API Access
- Instagram Smashes Square Mold
- Vine Singing Sweeter Tune With New Music-Editing Tools
- Digital Engagement Index
- Brookside Using TV To Spotlight Brand's Social Buzz
- Retargeting Firm AdRoll Plugs Into Instagram's New API
- GroupM Pounds Out Deal With BuzzFeed, Includes Proprietary Social Data Tool
- Strata Says 66% Increase in Q2 Steaming Ads YOY
- In Places Like Roanoke, Local TV Newspeople Are Like Family
- Study Shows How Cell Phone Use Upsets Social Bonds
- Lots of Sightings, Not A Lot of Ad Relevance
- Must Everything Be Tweeted? Roanoke Incident Raises The Question
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015
- Facebook Tests AI Assistant, M
- Digital Engagement Index
- Rob FitzGerald Dumps Big Fuel, Now He's Social
- GroupM Pounds Out Deal With BuzzFeed, Includes Proprietary Social Data Tool
- Snapchat Taps Mattel Exec As Acting CFO
- Study Finds Social Media Claiming Larger Share of Ad Budgets
- In Places Like Roanoke, Local TV Newspeople Are Like Family
- Study Shows How Cell Phone Use Upsets Social Bonds
- Three Signs Digital Marketing Is Facing A Social Tsunami
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015
- Agencies Expect to Boost Social Spend, Mobile Drives Trend
- Digital Engagement Index
- CMOs Bullish On Social, Mobile Despite Measurement Concerns
- Flipboard Adds Video To Promoted Stories
- The Social Media Showdown Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton
- Google Search Queries Identify 'Collaboration' As A Business Objective
- Study Shows How Cell Phone Use Upsets Social Bonds
- Social Media Bolsters EBusiness
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015
- Friendsy Is Like Tinder for College Students, God Help Us
- TV Tweeters Gain Momentum, Can Drive Program Loyalty, Says Nielsen
- Digital Engagement Index
- Murdoch Endorses Bloomberg Candidacy, Tweets He Should Enter GOP Race
- Tech Stocks Tumble Amid Market Collapse
- Twitter Ousts Political Transparency Group
- Flipboard Adds Video To Promoted Stories
- The Social Media Showdown Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton
- Twitter Lets Politicians Send Tweets Down Memory Hole
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Monday, Aug. 24, 2015
- Global Rout Hits Social Media Stocks, Too
- Digital Engagement Index
- Facebook Tests GIFs In Page Posts
- Murdoch Endorses Bloomberg Candidacy, Tweets He Should Enter GOP Race
- Merial Promo Benefits Assistance Dog Program
- Harley-Davidson Raises Twitter Periscope For Global Product Reveal
- NEW! Honest Kitchen Wants Pets, And Their Owners, To Confess
- Google Tests Foodies Photos In Maps
- We Are All Ashley Madison
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Friday, Aug. 21, 2015
- Moms Love Social Media
- Twitter Audience Platform Promotes Engagement
- Hoping That Newspapers Don't Give Up the Good Fight
- Carusele 'Ignited' For New Growth With Investment, New Talent
- The 5 Rules Of Running An Effective Video Advertising Campaign In 2016
- Digital Engagement Index
- Periscope Up
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Friday, Aug. 21, 2015
- Moms Love Social Media
- Digital Engagement Index
- Twitter Audience Platform Promotes Engagement
- Carusele 'Ignited' For New Growth With Investment, New Talent
- Hoping That Newspapers Don't Give Up the Good Fight
- Periscope Up
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
- Facebook, Twitter Growth Plateaus In U.S.
- Snapchat Revs Dive, But Still Raises Big Monies
- Maybe You Won't 'Like" To Tweet This: Social Networks' Growth Slowing Down
- Messaging App Popularity Rises Among Millennials
- WhatsApp Web Adds IPhone Support
- Put Down The Tech Devices And Pop Some JOLLY TIME With Friends
- Amazon Drops Flash Ads
- Celebs Spotlight Domino's' High-Tech Ordering Options
- Google Rethinks Same-Day Delivery Service
- Carusele 'Ignited' For New Growth With Investment, New Talent
- Marriott Shines Its Travel Campaign On Latinos
- LinkedIn Launches Standalone Messaging App