
Are Netflix And The Streamers The New Ad Blockers?

Even when research tells you something that most intuitively already know, it can be interesting to have it backed up by extensive studies and laid out in statistics.

That's certainly true of the Kantar Dimension research out today, which shows that the general public really isn't a fan of advertising …

1 comment about "Are Netflix And The Streamers The New Ad Blockers?".
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  1. Douglas Ferguson from College of Charleston, April 9, 2019 at 12:51 p.m.

    It's still a little pathetic to foist a "service" on the public that, at best, 90 percent merely tolerate rather than enjoy. Imagine any other line of work where you can tell your parents that you make or sell something that annoys people -- but not too much.  As I have written elsewhere, it was a necessary evil when content providers served an anonymous audience. Clearly, that's no longer the case. Even broadcasters will know their audience when TV 3.0 finally arrives at the party.

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