After eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic, daytime TV viewing has become a “second prime time,” according to Nielsen, due to the continuing growth of kids viewing and at-home workers' TV and internet consumption.
For example, in October, professional and managerial workers increased total TV time by 21% between 9 …
Wayne,the folks at Nielsen should stop using percent change as an indication of scale. For example in a recent release they claimed that young adults were gravitating to TV News. And , yep, TV news viewing by 18-34s had more than doubled while the amount of news content consumed by those aged 55+ increased by only 40%----these are rough figures but anyone who is interested can check Nielsen's website to get the exact projections.. So,obviously, TV news is now the place to go if you are targeting 18-34s, right? Wrong! If one looked at the numbers in Nielsen's table the 18-34s had, indeed increased their weekly news consumption by more than double---going from a mere 1 hour to over 2 hours. And the 55+ group, which started at around 10 hours per week only rose to about 14 hours. So which one increased the most? You guessed it--the 55+ group beat the 18-34s by about four to one.
The same point applies to the "new prime time" namely, daytime TV. Does anyone seriously think that the networks will now alter their program strategies and launch their big budget dramas and sitcoms in the daytime hours, where,of course, they would have to triple their CPMs to break even---because of the lowered ratings. Of course not.