Decades after Madison Avenue began utilizing interactive advertising in digital media on the assumption that it would perform better than conventional advertising, new scientific research from IPG
Mediabrands' Magna and IPG Media Lab units and Verizon Media has proven it generates substantial lifts in a variety of attitudes and behaviors, …
And the award for the most dumbingly obvious headline of the day goes to...
@George Parker:
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
Joe... I appreciate that. Problem is today's typical social media gulping audience are not likely to get it. When I post on AdScam, I occassionally have to give an "Irony" alert. Especially on Friday's when I post naked Kate Moss pictures that get me banned from Facebook. Having said all that, I enjoy your columnsI read them every morning, right after my first breakfast beer.