Study Finds Repeating TV Ads In Close Succession Leads To 'Wear Out'

Highlighting frequency concerns around TV commercials, a new study says viewers pay less attention to repeated connected TV ads when those spots air close to each other.

When an average CTV commercial of any length is repeated within five minutes, a viewer’s attention span -- eyes on the screen -- …

1 comment about "Study Finds Repeating TV Ads In Close Succession Leads To 'Wear Out'".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, August 4, 2021 at 11:49 a.m.

    Interesting, but hardly surprising, Wayne.

    It brings to mind the so-called "high impact" scheduling used many years ago wereby a commercial---the same one--for a brand was repeated almost immediately after it ran---with a short segue in between---on the grounds that this enabled the brand to really bang home its point to the viewer. This tactic was supported by commercial recall studies that showed significantly higher levels after two such back to back exposures---though the second exposure did not double the awareness---it merely lifted it 30-50%. As I recall, the motivational ---intent to buy----increase was even higher, percentage- wise.

    This may still be the case now---if a brand is willing to pay double for two exposures  within close proximity of eachother. The viewer may devote fewer seconds  of visual attentiveness to the second exposure---as shown by TVision---but this may be enough of a reminder---or impact booster---to cause an increase in message awareness and sales mootivation for the two exposures treated as a deliberate pairing. Obviously, if I were an advertisers who likes this approach to scheduling, I'd need some ad impact research to go along with the TVision findings before making a decision.

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