
Who's Really Paying The Monthly Streaming Bill? Heavy Streaming Users

Although there has been much analysis of expanding ad-supported streaming platforms, consumer spending on streamers -- subscription fees -- keeps rising.

Brian Wieser, veteran media analyst and writer of Madison & Wall, a Substack column, says this:

“While there are many observers who have opined that consumers are dropping or …

1 comment about "Who's Really Paying The Monthly Streaming Bill? Heavy Streaming Users".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, September 28, 2023 at 12:56 p.m.

    Wayne,  as long as the average daily consumption of ad-supported "TV"---whether it be via linear or streaming---remains at about 3.5-4 hours per day---which I believe is likely to be the outcome, advertisers can get the levels of reach they need for successful campaigns. But there'a a catch. To accomplish this they will need to  seriously rethink the way they plan TV campaigns and how the time is bought. If they stick with the old ways and hold fast to their time honored  sacred cows while ignoring newly developing alternatives they will have a problem.

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