A WBD-Paramount Combo: Linear TV, Theatrical Dominance - Is That Enough?

Leaving aside their high-profile streaming platforms, a possible Warner Bros. Discovery-Paramount Global merger would initially result in dominant leading positions in two legacy entertainment measures: Linear TV viewing time, and theatrical box-office revenue.

MoffettNathanson Research says the initial combination of the companies would result in a 35% to 40% share …

2 comments about "A WBD-Paramount Combo: Linear TV, Theatrical Dominance - Is That Enough?".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, December 27, 2023 at 2:14 a.m.

    Interesting stats, Wayne. According to this analyst the four programming entities would control about 80% of all linear TV viewing. I assume that includes their O&O TV stations as well as their cable channels and, of course, their broadcast networks. The 80% figure seems a bit on the high side to me as it doesn't leave much for all of the other cable channels nor local station programming ---like news or local sports coverage---and sydnicated fare. I wonder if they included any breakdowns for these program sources.

  2. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, December 27, 2023 at 2:51 a.m.

    As a clarification on my previous comment, the table indicates that local station and syndicated fare was not included, which is why I posed the questions. So assuming that the table represents what the analyst meant, these four programming entities would not have an 80% share of all"linear TV" viewing, but only that portion of it that is attributed to the broadcast networks and national cable channels. Taking these into account, the share probably drops to 60% or thereabouts. Still big---but not total dominance.

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